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We offer both APIs and a Platform

API - Developer Portal

Get a head start with a unified origination API to enable real time Verifications, Risk Analysis and pull any Credit Bureau report. End points include bank statement verification and analysis, ID verification, Business verification, bank verification, AML and PEP checks, Credit Bureau reports.
Our APIs also give you the ability to pull and push data to or from our platforms as all as leverage open banking to get real time transactions of your clients.

Origination Platform

The Origination platform allows you to digitise your origination process from a Digital Online application with built in verifications to a digital review/ approval process and application vetting. Built in vetting include bank statement verification and analysis, ID verification, Business verification, bank verification, AML and PEP checks, Credit Bureau reports.
You need a minimum of 3 users to use this platform


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our product or service in our comprehensive FAQ section.

The AkibaOne account is free of charge. You get up to 14 days free trial

We accept various payment methods, including major credit cards, debit cards, and online payment platforms like Stripe and Paystack. Soon we will offer the Debit Order payment option

AkibaOne platform is currently in South Africa only. We are working on launching in new markets in Africa (Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya)

Our APIs and platform both offer an unified origination experience with embeded verifications, credit bureau checks and fraud intelligence. You can launch your online operations within minutes at flexible pricing

Our pricing is flexible based on your volume. We mostly offer month to month and annual contracts.

Do you need any Sales support?

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